Y Series (IP23) Voltage High Gottation Isigaba Asynchronous
Y Series High Voltage motor yi-squirrel-cage yesigaba ezintathu zokungeniswa kwe-asynchronous motor.Imoto ine-class ip23, i-voltage evunyelwe yi-6kv noma i-10 kV.
Usayizi wohlaka | I-H355-710MM (6KV), H450-710mm (10KV) |
Amandla alinganiselwe | I-220kw-5000kw (6kv), 250kw-3550kw (10kv) |
Degree of amandla asebenza kahle | IE1 |
I-Voltage ne-Frequency | I-6kv / 50hz, 10kv / 50hz |
Degree of izivikelo | IP23 |
Degrees of infass / lokushisa lokushisa | E f |
Indlela yokufaka | B3 |
Izinga lokushisa elikhona | -15c ~ + 40 ° C |
Indlela yokupholisa | IC01 |
Uku-oda imininingwane
● Le khathalogu iyisithenjwa kuphela sabasebenzisi. Uyacelwa ukuthi uthethelele lokho uma noma yiluphi ushintsho lokukhiqizwa kwephroform ngeke lwenze lokho kucacise kusengaphambili. Uyacelwa ukuthi uthethelele lokho uma kukhona noma yiluphi ushintsho lokukhiqizwa kweproduct engeke senze okungeziwe kucacise kusengaphambili.
● Sicela uqaphele idatha ekhiqizwe lapho u-oda, njengohlobo lwemoto, amandla, ivolumu, isivinini, isigaba sokufakelwa, isigaba sokuvikelwa, uhlobo olukhulayo nokunye.
● Singakwazi ukuklama futhi sikhiqize ama-motors akhethekile njengoba alandelwa ngokuya ngokuvela kwamakhasimende:
1. Imvamisa ekhethekile, imvamisa namandla;
3. Ngebhokisi le-terminal ohlangothini lwesobunxele, i-Shaft Shaft ephindwe kabili kanye ne-shaft ekhethekile;
4. Izinga lokushisa eliphakeme noma imoto yokushisa ephansi;
5. Kusetshenziswe ethafeni noma ngaphandle;
6. Amandla aphezulu noma into ekhethekile;
7. Nge-heater, i-PT100 yokuthwala noma ukufudumeza, i-PTC nokunye;
8. Ngama-encoder, ebekiwe, noma isakhiwo esibekiwe;
9. Ngesidingo sabanye.